AR Homeappliances

+40% Ecommerce growth

Looking to create awareness, get leads and to generate revenues, Ar Homeappliances reached out to us.

With the help of our team AR Homeappliances abled to achieve their goals.

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About AR Homeappliances

We are one of the best and leading the Washing Machine, AC, Refrigerator Service Center in Erode with 10 years of experience.
We provide repair services for Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Air Conditioning, Micro oven, and TV.
Our experienced and well-trained professionals are helping you to quickly rectify any of the problems with your furniture.
If you are looking for the best service center, without any doubt choose our AR Homeappliances to solve your issues.
We can work for any model or brand of furniture when your device is in any of the conditions.

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The challenge

AR Homeappliances a service provider specializing in home appliances repair faced challenges in competing with numerous service centers.
Online visibility and converting leads was their greatest challenges.
Ar Homeappliances reached out to us with an blocked Google Ads account. Frontlinetrades rectified the issue and helped them to run Google Ads successfully.

Services Used:Website development, Google Ads, Ad content writing, CPC


Business impact

Joining hands with Frontlinetrades, AR Homeappliances has developed a user friendly website. With help of Google Ads AR Homeappliances

has an online impressions over 4.09k. And also generated leads with clicks of 215 in a period of month.


Organic transactions increased


Organic conversion rate improved


Increase new users from organic traffic

Esteemed digital marketing solutions

As part of our partnership, Zara has the advantage of having a dedicated Numerique account manager who serves as the primary point of contact, working closely with our team of experts to ensure that the partnership yields the desired outcomes. Zara has expressed their satisfaction with our collaboration, saying,

“Numerique has become an extension of our marketing team. They provide us with a robust digital strategy that we wouldn’t have been able to achieve without their support. Our marketing team is small, but with Numerique, we can accomplish so much more.”

For Zara, we put together a robust digital strategy that includes:

+40 %


236 %

Increase in organic sessions

131 %

Increase in organic contact form submissions

Start driving SEO results with
Frontline Trades